Safe Burning Tips
Learn before you burn. When having a fire, use these tips to promote safety and prevent uncontrolled fires.
It is unsafe to burn during high winds. Use common sense before it becomes unsafe. Sudden wind change is the how most open burning gets out of control.
A permit is required to burn. Before you burn check to make sure burning is allowed by visiting the homepage of this website, and be sure to activate your burn permit inside of your account. People conducting illegal burning, or who allow a fire to get out of control, may be held liable for costs of extinguishing a fire, fined, and even imprisoned.
Burning of the following materials is prohibited: Brush, trees, cane and driftwood from commercial and/or industrial land clearing operations; grass, hay, leaves, stumps, and tires; construction material and debris
Don’t burn under tree limbs, utility lines, or other overhanging items.
Open burning must be a minimum of 75 feet from all buildings. An adult should always be present during open burning and children and pets should be kept at a safe distance away.
Fire control tools and a water supply must be present during a burn. The water supply can be a pressurized fire extinguisher, a pump can or garden hose. Be sure to test it out before igniting the fire to be sure it works properly. Also, if relying on a garden hose, double-check that the water supply is turned on and that there are no cracks in the hose itself.